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October 1, 2020

Today I was able to take photos of one of my fish so that was exciting. I have decided that each day I'll only focus on one fish, and that way I can get a variety of photos but not rush it.

It was relatively easy to get the photos when the fish was still, but capturing the movement that I proved to be a bit more difficult. Another problem I ran into was the fact that I had not thought that the fish would stay in one corner. For some reason I thought he would be swimming around but today at least he liked to stay at the bottom in the corner. 

I'll definitely have to try more things out but that was all I was able to do for today. I'll leave some of the photos I took below as well. 


1/40, F6.3, -2/3 light change, ISO 6400


1/60, F3.5, 0 light change, ISO 5000


1/80, F6.3, -1 light change, ISO 6400


1/40, F6.3, -1 light change, ISO 6400

1/50, F6.3, -1 light change, ISO 6400

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